Wednesday, November 10, 2004

woa. days come and go. and these days? at neck breaking speed! not only do days come and go, but people come and go. i was thinking about days from a couple years ago..even from just a year ago. how much we have changed.. how much we have grown.. how much we have drifted.. and how much we've left those things we once held dear.

i once thought best friends were forever.. i guess not. somethings just happen.. somethings just change. who i woulda ran to a short year ago, isnt necessarily the same person i'd run to now, with those same issues. some people that i woudlnt be so open with last year, i now tell almost everything to. why the changes?

im not saying theres anything wrong with new friends and being tight with them.. i just miss how things used to be. a mere drive away... a mere phone call away... those people that would be there in a heartbeat, arent necessarily there anymore.

if all things good with friends end up with such pain and missing them...why bother to begin with?

to you who know what im talking about, yeah YOU darling. im sorry we drifted. im sorry all that stuff happened. lets start over and forget the past. loving and missing you always.

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