Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!!!!

its Christmas day. guess what i've done to date?
- had Christmas service
- watched a fob movie..with cecillia Cheung
- ate lunch
- had cheese cake
- had half of a tea
- threw up
- ripped up a friendship.

wonderful day for me eh?
want your friendship broken? just come to me.
im such an EXCELLENT me destroy
your friendships... come near me if you dare..
as for the rest of the world? im just gonna fade.
slowly fade away, that way, the God given gift
of friendship will not be destroyed by me.....

Merry Christmas Everyone....
God loves you. unlike me, all i ever do is bring
hurt and hate. sure i love you guys... but they
definatly dun match my actions. if there is love,
friends would stay friends. not become enemies.
have a good one. see you in heaven. if i make it there.

p.s. the children's musical yesterday nite? AWSOME.
good job you guys! thanx for never failing to make me
smile and laugh when i need it. and for always reminding
me why we were here and why we exist.

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