Saturday, December 20, 2003

SOOO.... justis kao concert? AWSOME!!!!!!!
christmas shopping? half done my immediate family...
eatting? umm.......sure?? i try.....
gratefulness?? AMAZING.. why? cuz God IS good!
and if you dunno why he is, you mite wanna find out,
before its TOO late!!!!!!! and yeah.. if you need proof?
ask around. ask me. he IS good. ^-~
now im off to find a hair dryer that wont wake sammi
up so that I can go to sleep....
oh yeah.. chance of getting the car tomolo?
- next to NONE.. urgh.
and dumb story of the day? i almost walked into one of those
anti-shoplifting thingers...yeah.. dun ask.... it was EARLY!!!!!
and for those of you that know wahts raging in me? URGH!!!!
and change of plans.. ask me.. before i forget to tell ya what it is...
ahahahhahaa.. im such a looser!!!!!

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