Monday, February 23, 2004

*sigh*.. what a long weekend..
if never ceasing questions is your thing... you'd love my weekend.
if self-invitees are your thing... you'd love my weekend.
if missing almost everyone that ment something to you is your thing... feel free to take my weekend.
if being dictated as to what to do, tho they are wrong and you know better is your cup of tea... then have fun.

*sigh*... so tempted... hun? if you read this... dun EVEN suggest it.. cuz im gonna jump at the thought of like | |<-- close to telling you, you can do it... wait.. nm.. im more like ||<--that close to doing it myself... omg...its not even funny... *sigh* soo fustrated... its like what part of 'back off' did you miss?!??! *sigh*

someone tell me when this hurting will stop. someone tell me when the crying will stop...

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