to the request of alan... i suppose i wont neglect my blog.. but whatever...
so...heres whats going on for those of you that just want a quick summary on my life.
whats on my mind?
- math test tomolo
- life.... and not like just my life.. but like life in general.. read silas' blog... you'll get it...
- my dearest alan... hes leaving me for a couple days... so yeah... oh wells
- my hun... hun's not doing so well these days.. but its ok.. cuz hun is comming over on sat..... *grins*
- boys.... specifically .... MY boys.... (is THAT better for you???? *ahem*... hahah)
- my friends... some... just... arent being them selves...
- stupid james... urgh... im gonna smack him... and no sammi.. not haily... like other james.. the scary one from here...
what i've lernt lately
- if you love someone, tell them... always be straight up with those around you.... its better in the end...theres no such time as the right time... whats wrong with now??? rite?
- "for those who believe, no proof is necessary. for those who don't no proof is possible" ~ unknown
i used to think that that was only for like pre-c and how we deal with them... but its not... in almost every
situation thats been thrown at me lately, thats what i always found myself saying... weird huh? i think i get now... i
think i finally understand it... so im slow.. big whoop. its not like you guys didnt already know....
- "you'll never know that God is all you need until God is all you got" ~ Rick Warren.
THAT is another one thats so true too... thats what i kinda learnt this year.. when it really really REALLY comes
down to it, God is all you got. and if you dun have Him, then you dun really have much of anything... ya know?or
maybe revert back the the previous quote... .hahah... circular reasoning.... the dumbest thing in the world.. cuz it
really proves nothing and it REALLY is impossible to argue.. hahaha...
- "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"
that part of 1 Corinthians 13 never really hit me til i read part of "a love worth giving" cuz someone left it here...
*ahem* hahah (woa.. whats with me and *ahem*s?????) neways.. i cant really explain this.. cuz yeah.. it needs
context... and thats just a lil hard to explain in one go, to the world, so that they will understand.. but if you
wanna understand, find me.. i'll explain it then.. cuz everyperson understands something differently.. so yeah...
- "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
that verse is from II timothy 1:7.. its a lil freaky how i came accross it.. cuz this when you look it up (if you do) is
one of those verses that is most likely to be missed my most ppl... welll... so i think.. but yeah.. it was just odd...
wonderfully amazing, cuz God used lil boy to tell me to look this up... and it was JUST what i needed... so i think lil
boy for listening to God, regardless of what i would think of him.... and i thank God for showing me that passage....
yeah.. ask lil boy... he knows whats going on... so i think... but whatever.. or find me.. but you know me and my
memory rite? its not as bad as dorys, but its almost there.. haha...
i think thats all i hafta say... and so im gonna go to bed before dear gets mad at me or something... haha...
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