Friday, January 23, 2004

can someone please tell me what im doing wrong?
can someone please tell me whats going on?
can someone please please PLEASE tell me...

whats going on? what happening? why am i like this?
why am i not functioning? why i be who i thought was me?
why am i not understaing life thats around me?
why are people pressing who they think i am, into me?
who am i? truely. who am i to you?
if i cant even define who i am as a person,
how am i to defined others as my friends?

how do i know what is right and what is wrong?
how do i tell a distinction between anything?

does anyone know where i have gone?
apparently im missing... but then im sitting RITE here typing away...
i dont get it. but then when did i truely understand anything?
if anyones seen me, catch me. catch me before im completely loss....

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